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A visit from kara
It seems as though Kara is on everyone's mind recently. Last week, I woke up from such a vivid dream about Kara(and I am not one to dream). Why she crossed my mind that evening, I don't know, yet her image and smile was incredibly warming. As I mentioned to Emily, the dream was short. I was sitting on a floor of a family room. Chris was to the left of me, holding Aidan (although he was still a baby), and Kara was to the right of me with Emily next to her (also holding a baby). What made this dream so memorable was that Chris and Emily were filling Kara in on all the things she has missed since she left the world. Marriages, new babies . . . and as I sat listening, the conversation filled with laughter. It then turned to a conversation about this website. Kara learned about all the stories and messages left for her over the years. I woke questioning whether or not the dream was real. And as I reflect on it, I think it was as real as real can be. To Kara's family . . . I believe she is there watching out for you every step of the way. To Emily . . . it's your turn to dream next.
Colleen    cj_coggins@yahoo.com

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