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FAMily fun
You were in my dreams yesterday. Mom, dad, you, and I were on a crazy bike ride through the winding roads and hills of Cazenovia. We were flying around corners and down the hill on another adventure, it was so much fun. It reminded me of the day, years ago, when we were sitting on the dock on Cazenovia lake looking at the hills to the south. The four of us decided to go on an adventure and hike to the top of one of those hills. How much fun we had together. I know I was scared, as usual, but you made us keep going and exploring and I'm so glad we did. The bike ride in my dream was just like that, so much fun. It was one of those dreams where our life was great and everything was normal, and then I woke up and realized the reality we now live in. I'm so lucky to have the memories and the dreams that keep you so alive in my heart. Happy 29th Birthday, big sister. I love you.
Emmer    eghood@naz.edu

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