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thanks, for yellow roses and for remembering
Kara's grave is in St. James Cemetary in the Village of Cazenovia. It's a small, rural cemetary in a peaceful setting on a hill, and in the spring, summer and fall it's a special place to reflect and watch a sunrise or a sunset. The road into the cemetary is closed for the winter, however, and last week averaged around 10 degrees and there was 18 inches of snow on the ground. And last week on the 15th, and on the previous anniversaries of her death, some loving person placed a dozen yellow roses on Kara's grave. Whoever you are, I thank you for your love and for remembering Kara. It means alot, as do all of you who keep in touch with us through shared memories and love for Kara. You are always welcome in our home.
Bob Hood    caz7035@aol.com

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