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Dear Kara, I have thought about you a lot over the past several months. You were so full of life, passion, happiness and giggles. Although I only knew you for a short time during your life, you have left me with a lifetime of memories. I could always count on you for a 'hi court' and wave on Trinity's campus. We bonded early along with Alison and Vanessa to form the infamous A.S.S. sisters. Ahhhh....the A.S.S nights. They always required extra preparation for I knew what was to come. Those nights are some of my fondest memories at Trinity. I also remember 'Spring Break '99' - how many times was that said during our stay in Key West? Blanch treated us well during that trip. She drove us safely to and from Key West. During our stay in Key West my memory keeps bringing me back to Rick's. How many nights did we end up there? If my memory serves me correctly it was all of them. You were the dancing queen. I saw you last fall when I was in NYC for a business trip. We met up on a miserable rainy night. You met Vanessa and I at some great dive Mexican restaurant with your hair and clothes dripping wet. The rain and weather were soon forgotten and we began to focus on the bartender and our margarita order. We laughed, reminisced and caught up on the latest guys in our life. You told me about your job and Brooklyn and you and V were to visit SF in the near future. Kara - you left everyone with endless memories and I fill with joy when I think of you. I know you are safe and smiling down at us now. Know you are missed and loved.
Courtney Glenn    k_hood_photo@yahoo.com

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