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thoughts from kara's dad
I am moved to tears (not hard these days) of both joy and of thanks, for so many friends who have shared thoughts of Kara. We LOVE hearing from you and we LOVE your stories of Kara. We are in deep pain over Kara's death and our hearts are broken, and it truly helps when friends remember Kara and speak openly of her. It hurts the most when friends don't mention her, for fear of making us feel sad. We are already sad. But I am also greatful for the deep love that we shared with Kara and for the deep love she shared with us. She was fun and she was funny; she was curious and she was open; she was searching and yet she was present for so many others; and I look forward to sharing eternity with her. Our journey of mourning is surely the most difficult imaginable. We each miss her in a special way, and miss the part of us... a part of our future that has died with Kara. It has forever changed our FAMily, and we are struggling. But we are FAMILY and we have a deep faith, and although it is surely being tested, we aren't about to let Kara down. I have read a great deal about "grief work" as it is called, and it IS work. And I am meeting with a Bereavement Counselor to learn how best to deal with my pain; our loss; and how it impacts all of us. I have a lot to learn. But I will be sharing what I discover along the way, hoping that it will help you to deal with Kara's death. As we learn how to deal with loss, so too do we learn how to better appreciate what and who we have. I am talking with Kara regularly, seeking her help each day. And mostly I am talking to God...and listening...seeking his healing comfort and peace. with love, Kara's dad
Bob Hood    Caz7035@aol.com

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