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Hey Alriiiight
My goodness, there is so much to think about when I think of Kara. It's amazing how I can laugh so hard and cry so hard at the same time. You know what I mean, don't you? She just had that effect on people. That really came to mind when I was reading Chris's story about the water and the shaving cream. You know you just wanted to kick her butt for doing that, but it was still absolutely hilarious. I am not really pinpointing any particular time with Kara, there are a bunch. Like Spanish class, senior year, first period with my mom-yikes! Kara got me hooked on eating Nutrigrain bars and Coke, and we would always feel so sick after we ate it-gee I wonder why! Yet, we would continue to do so. Of course there are the numerous sports memories. Kara always inspired me to be a better player and to think more highly of myself. She was such a team supporter like that, that's why everyone admired her, not to mention her natural athleticism and talent on the field. I can remember one soccer practice that Coach Luckette must have known we had had a rough night prior to that practice and we did head passes for what seemed like forever!! I loved Kara's "I think I am going to puke" face. You all know the face I am talking about! I can also recall the time we lost in sectionals for lacrosse our senior year, when we thought we were unbeatable. We sat in the center circle of our field that night just thinking about the season and how sad we were, but how much fun we had playing and being with each other every day. One of the reasons I think Kara was so much fun to be around was because of her daring and mischievous ways. There was always a lot of action around her and that drew people to her, no matter what trouble you KNEW you would get into. Like the time we left Mr. Wenzel's senior study hall to go to the Bagelry or Mario and Salvo's. No real reason, just to do something "crazy." Of course we got in trouble, we got Saturday detention, in fact, and that was THE MOST FUN! Wait, no, the most fun was that time at Jenn's house when we "watched movies" ALL DAY!! No, Florida was better...in the boxing ring. I could go on and on, the good times never stopped. I am so blessed to have shared all of these memories, and many more, with such an amazing, young woman. My friendship with her has helped me grow in many ways and her spirit continues to be with me as each day goes on.
Vivianne    vivianne_20@hotmail.com

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