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scholarship campers...the first of many
Jean and I drove two kids from Rochester down to Camp Stella Maris a few weeks ago, the first two campers sponsored by the Kara Hood Community Caring Foundation. The kids (Adell-8 and Alex-10) live in Rochester and go to Blessed Sacrament where Chris works, and he hopes to be able to keep in contact with them over the years to come. They had never been to camp and had no idea what to expect, and their anticipation grew as we drove to Conesus Lake. And so did ours. As soon as we drove in and saw the counselors directing traffic; staff helping with trunks; and John Roberts coming to greet us with a hug, we felt a deep sense of warm memories and sadness. I felt Kara's presence as well as her absence, and it was a difficult experience. We took Alex and Adell down for their swim tests (Alex said a minnow got into his trunks!) and got them settled in their cabins, and seeing Christine and Collene on our way out, we left amid tears and deep emotions. CSM was an important part of Kara's life, and she made lifetime memories and friends there. I am grateful for all the camper and counselor friendships Kara made at camp, and for the love that she received and shared there. It helped to mold her life, and I'll always have warm memories in my heart for Camp Stella Maris. Alex and Adell had a great week; their counselors were very good to them; Emily and I went down on Wednesday for a communion service and watched Chris do his "Brother Hood" thing!; and they want to go back next year. And thanks to Kara's Foundation, they and other kids who need a break in life, will be able to go back. Peace!
Bob Hood    caz7035@aol.com

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