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Thinking of you
I was looking at the few pictures I have and that feeling came over me, the feeling where you aren't sure if your chest is about to explode or implode, you sit for a minute, feeling short of breath as you run through a memory so vivid that you want to smile from the joy, yet your heart breaks because you are conscious of the fact that it is a memory that cant be recreated. I remember so much laughter. You were so vibrant. You were so daring. I feel like you constantly introduced others to adrenaline for the first time! I know this note doesn't seem to have any focus, however, I was looking at old pictures and just wanted to say that I Love You Kara. Funny, I just realized that everything I wrote was basically filler leading up to my telling you I Love You. The sole purpose of this note is to tell you that I Love You Kara, and that will never, ever change.
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